Brian Cox, born March 3, 1968 is a renowned particle physicist and spokesman for science. This native of Chadderton, Lanacashire, has written books outlining the more abstruse aspects of modern physics for the sophisticated lay person and been awarded many honors, including an OBE (2010). Cox is (was, anyway) part of the research team at the Large Hadron Collider.
He and his wife (Gia Millinovich) and their cat posed for the 2011 Geek Calendar. From this picture we glimpse not just what a nice family he is part of, but a really amusing scene, where the fact that he can't fix a toaster, appalls his cat.
May 27, 1564 John Calvin, a Protestant theologian who argued for predestination, was fond of his wife's cat,"Henriette." His wife and his wife's cat died in the same month, and according to J. Stephen Lang, author of 1,001 Things You Always Wanted to Know about Cats, Calvin did not get another wife or another cat. John Calvin died on May 27, 1564.
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