His Who's Who actually is quoted below:
Fülop-Miller, René
Born Caransebes, Transylvania, 17 March 1891; father of German Protestant ancestry, by profession chemist, mother a descendant from the famous Macedonian family of Brancovitch; m 1916, the Hungarian soprano Heddy Bendiner of the Budapest Opera; no c; died 7 May 1963
High Schools of Vienna; Lausanne; Paris studied pharmaceutical chemistry, anatomy, psychiatry
After educn took up journalism; after the war, several journeys to Soviet Russia which led to the publication of Dostoievski’s and Tolstoi’s posthumous works as well as to Mind and Face of Bolshevism; subsequently successful literary career Member Authors’ Society
Mind and Face of Bolshevism (Engl. trans. 1927); Lenin and Gandhi (Engl. trans. 1928); The Russian Theatre (Engl. trans. 1930); Power and Secret of the Jesuits (Engl. trans. 1930); The Imagination Machine (Eng. transl. 1931); The Unknown Tolstoi (Engl. trans. 1930); The Ochrana (Engl. trans. 1930); Ghandhi, The Holy Man (Engl. trans. 1931); Leaders, Dreamers, and Rebels (Engl. trans. 1935); Leo XIII (German edn 1935); Katzenmusik (Novel, German edn 1935); Triumph over Pain (English trans. 1938)
Wohllebengasse 5, Vienna, Austria
U 40.501
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